A Booster Shot from HRBOOST® (July 2019): Celebrating Strengths and a NEW Book Launch!
This Month's Free Webinar: Building Generational Agility
Developing Talent is Critical, So How Can Performance Achievement Make It Real?
*** WHAT'S NEW ***
HRBOOST® Announces Certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise!
*** ARTICLES ***
5 Ways to Improve Your Benefits Program—Without Changing It
It’s a competitive hiring environment, and employee engagement and retention are more important than ever. Losing employees because they’re searching for greener pastures isn’t good for your company’s bottom line or its overall health. But when workers don’t feel a strong connection to an employer, jobs become interchangeable. So, what can your company do to combat this trend and hang onto its people?
*** IN THE MEDIA ***
Attendees asked me to create a simple chart outlining each generation. Download the infographic and tell me what you think!
HRBOOST® Welcomes Jackson Rogers to the team
We are only 30 days in with our new HR Intern, Jackson Rogers and he has surely brought value to HRBOOST® in the field and internally. When we asked this Gen Z talent what he seeks from his work experiences, this is what he let us know.