Workplace Bullying Awareness Week October 16-22/2023 – Ireland

Workplace Bullying Awareness Week

Nicole Martin: Good Morning, my friends :

Judy is a PWN sister in Ireland. She is a respected global speaker on the topic of workplace bullying. Please see below and let’s #share and show our support.  

“Everyone deserves JOY and PURPOSE through God given graces at Work. I applaud Judy Carmody and wish I could jump across the POND to Ireland for this incredible lineup.


Workplace Bullying Awareness Week

Firstly: This is Ireland’s 5th year joining Linda Crockett – founder of Workplace Bullying Awareness Week.  Please find attached our Bio Brief on a panel of international authors who are attending our online event.  I am delighted Ireland’s top clinical psychologist Dr Tony Humphreys is Guest Speaker.  I also have global authorities – authors of workplace bullying on the panel.  The group will be facilitated by Prof. Paticia Mannix, Head of Education from Limerick University and Niamh Hickey from Limerick University.  Ireland’s Classic Hits Radio is also on board so will be running a workplace bullying awareness week the same week with lots of chat shows.

Secondly: Linda Crockett, Canada and I have created n on-line survey that I Hope you can complete and share with as many people as you can.  Much appreciated.


Judy Carmody