Pull Up a Chair, It’s Time for Joy!

Nicole Martin - chair of joy


1/2 Day Immersion

Nicole Martin - chair of joyIn this immersive half-day program, your company’s team members will experience:

  • immediate transformation of culture individual and  group motivation
  • an organized personal and  professional daily action for success
  • developing vision for greater future possibilities

This is done by engaging in the Chair of Joy Experience. Sheryl Lynn, the Founder and  Visionary of JOYELY, created a highly-interactive and  playful event that  stirs the senses while bringing joy and  productivity to both home and  work environments.

As a natural antidote to employee disengagement, the curriculum is specially designed to tap into positive emotions. This process will:

  • ground your employees in their daily experience
  • expand their full presence and  vitality
  • activate their power for success and  connection and
  • integrate the felt-experience of joy throughout their minds, bodies, and  spirits

Your team will shift from feeling disempowered and isolated to feeling fully engaged, connected, and having renewed clarity, excitement, and focus on your mission and directives on an individual, organizational, and global level.

By the end of the program, attendees will have learned and  practiced the Chair of Joy.

Experience empowering them to:

  • Connect purposefully to the energy of joy to self-motivate on a daily basis
  • Collaborate in meaningful ways that  plant joyful, co-creative seeds
  • Catalyze a journey of joy with their Chair of Joy into “sit, breathe, think, and  feel” activities

As part  of The Chair of Joy Experience, each team member will get a video recording of the process to be used whenever they wish as a profound reminder of the power of this activity.

Leaders will immediately be able to elevate the impact of their teams by simply declaring,

“Pull Up a Chair, It’s Time for Joy!”

Nicole Martin is Chief Empowerment Officer and Founder of HRBOOST®, LLC a Shared Services Consulting firm based in the north suburbs of Chicago.  A sought-after expert, her knowledge and advice have been featured in newspapers and magazines throughout the country.

Contact Nicole