Nicole Martin among The 10 Most Inspiring Women Leaders to Follow in 2022

Nicole Martin was featured as one of The 10 Most Inspiring Women Leaders to Follow in 2022 by Insights Success.
Nicole Martin: A Sought-after Expert in the HR Fraternity
An epitome of passionate leadership, Nicole Martin is the Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of HRBOOST®. She founded HRBOOST® with a vision to bring JOY and PURPOSE to PEOPLE through their work. It is how HRBOOST® serves its clients and the people that choose to join up on their visions.
Nicole considers herself an accidental entrepreneur, as she didn’t set out to create HRBOOST®. She simply followed her passion for helping clients understand the importance human resources can play in developing a strong business. Today, Nicole is a successful entrepreneur and an HR industry innovator who is dedicated to helping small to midsize businesses realize their potential through their employees.
Nicole considers it her number one responsibility to empower her team of Boosters, invest in ongoing education, tools, and resources to optimize her team. She has faith that they will, in turn, delight their clients. “I was truly humbled when after years of serving on the Advisory Board and being part of a winning organization in my prior roles, my own company took the stage of Best & Brightest® Companies to Work For in Chicago in 2020,” shares Nicole.
Inspired by her vision, we at Insights Success got into conversation with Nicole to learn more about her journey and how HRBOOST® is meeting the HR needs of businesses.
See the highlights of the interview: