HRBOOST® Featured in The Executive Headlines: 20 Innovative Companies to Watch of 2021

HRBOOST® has been recognized as one of the 20 Innovative Companies to Watch of 2021, featured by The Executive Headlines.
Below are the highlights of the interview with Nicole Martin, Chief Empowerment Officer and Founder of HRBOOST®.
Being an entrepreneur is an amazing privilege. I find I created a business long before I knew I was in business. Today, I consider my business to be a marvelous intellectual playground. Every day is different, and the landscape is always changing. Even now, these unprecedented times will spawn new industry and it is inspiring to see businesses pivot in real time. I have been working since I was a teenager, but I feel that when you have a blank canvas by which you paint, it can be daunting, even scary and yet so very satisfying. I believe that we can all lead from wherever we stand. The current climate requires shared leadership. A culture invitation is at the forefront of a successful leader. Our world is uncertain and while we look to leaders to lead, more people seek for leaders to care. The silver lining to the pandemic has been amazing to witness authentic empathy and compassion in good leaders. We are gaining in feeling our shared values as Americans. I am motivated by the endless opportunity to bridge to other humans and live-in service. I seek to live with joy and purpose through my God given graces and I believe every human deserves to experience joy and purpose through their work. It is heart-warming to know this is becoming more and more relevant in business. Today, my team is over 20 seasoned HR professionals that build HR from scratch, and we meet our clients at their pace and budget in the middle market.