Differentiating Cultures have Different CEOs!

Is Your CEO a Thirty Percenter?

Nicole Martin: One of the most disheartening things I know as a FACT! Only 20% of the many companies we serve truly walk the talk and take Culture to the people with a two way approach. We INCLUDE Culture in our services for ALL Retained Clients and yet still many stay busy and push culture surveys, metrics, teams and deliverables to next month, or next quarter or ….well until the good ones leave~ NM #GAPM #ACM #PSCULTUREMATTERS

Is Your CEO a Thirty Percenter?

Only 30% of CEO’s could be convicted guilty, with evidence, in a court of law that people are their greatest asset. So, 70% are lying!


I recently stayed at the Sarasota Hyatt Regency and every single person was providing an amazing customer experience. Nothing was closed, or limited by the unprecedented pandemic or labor shortage. They clearly had an engaged, happy, well-paid team. NOT what I see in every other hotel these days. Everybody else has signs up and excuses for why they can’t provide a great customer experience, and to be patient with their short staffed, under-paid and overworked culture. Not Sarasota Hyatt, at least not front of house.

At breakfast I noticed an extremely well dressed, non-teenager, bus boy running through quick and picking up plates.  So, I craned my neck to catch his nametag.  As I suspected, it was General Manager, Wes.  The top boss at that site.  This is why the housekeeper, the valet, the pool bartender, the front desk staff I encountered would all run through a brick wall for that leader.  Wes is what we call a 30%-er CEO.   And Wes has built a Customer Focused Performance Culture=CFPC.

Make no mistake, Wes has all the same constraints that every other team has right now. Hyper Inflation, Wage Inflation, Shortage of Candidates, a Global Pandemic, Supply Chain issues, and everybody wanting to work from home. The difference is Wes is not using those constraints as EXCUSES.  Neither are his staff… Great Job Sarasota Hyatt Team, Wes was extremely complimentary of you! This is a differentiator for customer experience that translates into depth of pocket market share.

It’s also a differentiator for Talent Retention and Attraction.  I’m quite sure he is easily recruiting talent from competitors to come work with his team. I estimate that facility to be around $20M annual revenue, and we’ve proven 30%-er CEOs make or save 2%-17% so that’s about a $500K-$3 Million dollar annual impact for Hyatt.

To be clear, the CEO is Chief Culture Officer of their own site.  I flew directly from the Sarasota Hyatt to the Atlanta Hyatt.  Atlanta was good, just not great. Made a mistake on my bill and made excuses for one of their restaurants being closed. I never met the GM, but they are not a Wes, they are not a 30%- er and they are paying 2%-17% in their lack of a CFPC. I heard one employee lamenting how much they hated working there.  Shocker!?!

Every CEO/Leader SAYS, “People are our Greatest Asset” however 70% are really not DOING it.

Hyatt corporate has what we call a “micro-culture” in every site. In fact, micro-cultures WITHIN every site proving it’s a ton about Leadership. We can help you be a 30%-er to the team below you, even if the leader beside, or above you is not!

5 Star Culture beats 5 Star Talent every time! #CultureEatsStrategyForBreakfast

Is Your CEO a Thirty Percenter?


PS Culture Matters
We help small to mid-sized organizations in every sector to MAKE MONDAYS BETTER!