Nicole Martin to Present SPEED Workshop at NHRC Forum on April 30th
NHRC Forum April 30 Registration Information
Read MoreDNA-7 – Changing the Way We See HR Technology
I had the pleasure of meeting CEO of DNA-7, Eyal Steiner and not only is he globe trotter bringing something very valuable to us in the United States, the technology from DNA-7 provides a whole new way to analyze how information flows through an organization. With communication breakdowns being behind most barriers to performance…
Read MoreIn Case You Missed Our First Working Wellness Event
What a glorious evening at the Catalyst Ranch; the first of a series of four Working Health events ended up being one that was informational and inspirational. With experts outlining the benefits of integrated health, decoding health and beauty products and secrets behind plant-based living, everyone who attended walked away with something new; literally,…
Read MoreA Different Way to Think About Retreats
Leading the transformational retreat A new leader we’ll call Audrey took on a challenging new role. She would need to dial up the rigor, energy, commitment and effectiveness of her team if she was to succeed in a marketplace that had been changing profoundly. She also realized she had to make some tough personnel calls…
Read MoreLeisure resort offers the perfect venue for your next company function!
Key Lime Cove is much more than just a leisure destination. The resort quiets down during the week and provides a full-service hotel for your company staff, guests and visitors. Located just off the tollway, the location is ideal and provides multiple dining options with cocktails and a full service spa! Meeting and function space…
My partner Chef HC Choi and I are partner/owners of Healthful Habits Inc. We teach people of all ages the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle through the power of a plant based, organic diet. We conduct healthy lifestyle demos for companies, organizations and non-for profits. The first thing we ask when conducting a…
Read MoreHow to Transform Your Workspace Into a Whimsical and Energetic Place
When Catalyst Ranch opened its doors in 2002, it was the first venue in Chicago to realize that the results of any offsite meeting can be enhanced if attendees are placed in the right environment. Catalyst Ranch features six quirky, colorful meeting rooms of all shapes and sizes to accommodate training seminars, strategic planning meetings,…
Read MoreHR is a HUB! The Conduit to Success.
Every company is started with a vision. There is always a principal owner or executive who was inspired by an idea, a spark of intuition! And if they are blessed, they in turn evolve that idea into inspiration which evolves into a real life business. And once the business becomes a reality, that is when…
Read MoreTrust: The Backbone of Organizational Success, by Jacob the Intern
When considering the factors that are directly related to the success of a business, the words that quickly come to mind are innovation, creativity, hard work and communication. But none of those aims can be reached without the most important aspect in a business, a concept that is often neglected and ignored: trust. Every business…
Read MoreA Small Delay On PPACA
The PPACA mandate has been delayed, but does it really matter? I believe it does matter and it reflects how the Obama administration sees the ripple effects on businesses. In fact, many feel it may demonstrate the administration has finally listened to those businesses who have been clamoring about the high costs they will have to absorb once…
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