
HRBOOST® Announces Certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise!

HRBOOST® is proud to announce national certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). WBENC’s national standard of certification is a meticulous process including an in-depth review of the business and site inspection. The certification process is designed to confirm the business is at least 51% owned, operated and…

A Booster Shot from HRBOOST® (June 2019): Summer Vibes

By now, you have the summer vibes and your talent is likely seeking to hear about summer fun events, casual dress, summer hours and more! While we can certainly provide you ideas on those points, we are thinking it’s mid-year and time to talk Performance Achievement.  Watch our June webinar replay on this topic here. Many of you are seeking to…

Attracting & Retaining Young Talent: Flexibility is Key!

business team

by Katie Cummins, HR Consultant, HRBOOST® Recruiting top talent is a challenge for many organizations. Recruiting and retaining top Millennial talent can be an even bigger challenge. Given this generation represents 50% of the talent pool today, many companies try to fine tune their recruitment process to find and keep top talent. But, are they…

A Booster Shot from HRBOOST® (May 2019): Spring has Sprung!

Spring has sprung and so has the new look on our website. Nine years ago I founded HRBOOST®, LLC to embody the definition of the word, “boost” — to help or encourage something to increase or improve. At HRBOOST®, we believe in Strategic HR, Day one and Employee one. And you deserve it too! Here’s what you can…

Mirror Review Honors Nicole as One of The 20 Impeccable Women in Business

HRBOOST® CEO & Founder, Nicole Martin, has been spotlighted as one of The 20 Impeccable Women in Business by Mirror Review. We are delighted that Nicole has been acknowledged as a “True Inspiration Changing the HR Dimensions.” To read the entire article, please go to:  

Peer Recognition Reinforced Online to Boost Productivity & Morale

Written by Martie Carpenter HR Consultant, HRBOOST® LLC.   With appreciation trumping recognition in building brand ambassadors these days, I’d like to share some important insights from my experience that may help your company as you look forward. I have been working with a retained client for four years. This client had an internal peer…

HRBOOST® is Blooming with New Talent! We Welcome Katie Cummins.

HRBOOST® is truly blooming with talent! We are delighted to welcome another highly accomplished HR professional to our team. Meet Katie Cummins who has joined us as an HR Consultant. Katie’s special areas of expertise include Strategic HR Planning, Talent Acquisition & Management, and Award-Winning Wellness Programs, to mention just a few. Katie brings much…

Non-Profit or For Profit – It’s all Business!

Both small and large companies need to attract talent then develop and retain the best talent for their organizations. Both non-profits and for-profit businesses must comply with the ever-changing maze of the regulatory environment. When it comes to talent however, non-profit businesses have a hidden competitive advantage. They lead with heart. Nearly every non-profit has…

Life Lessons: A Journey from Drop Out to PhD Candidate

by Jarod Leonard, HRBOOST® Newsletter Contributor The student, the person, the player—these are all roles I have learned to play along the way on this journey called life. The most important lesson I have learned is that there are no guarantees or handouts. I had to learn those lessons the hard way. As the top-ranked basketball…

Ever Consider…Should I Expense Reimburse That or Not?

  If so, then you would have enjoyed being a fly on the wall during my recent exchange with Walker Lawrence, Attorney with Levin Ginsburg. I always enjoy our conversations and no doubt our most recent one raised a brow given many employers may not know yet. Beginning January 1, 2019 Illinois Employers that have…